
by exest ab

Travel & Local


Train traffic information is displayed as a train board for a selected train station. Current events and disturbances are in the app. Information is clearly displayed and is easy to find.Filtered views can be saved as favorites for quick access.Note that the train path is dependent on the Swedish Transport Administrations server and its traffic information traffic. In the event of an interruption of the server or changes to the api, the app may stop working. The ambition of the developer is to ensure that the disturbances are as short and as short as possible. For major changes, a new version of the app may be needed.features:• Train board with current train times for a train station• Filter displayed information on trains• Save filtered view as favorite• Automatic updating of current information can be turned on with button from side with settings. The update is then done once per minute.• Sort trains on advertised timetable or on expected estimated time. Change the sorting from the settings page.